Post #1

Salve, amici. The year is 33 BC, and I’m going to tell you what happened to me to become a gladiator.

I was born in 47 BC, so my country, Gaul, had been conquered by Rome by the time I was born. My parents had four children before me, three girls and one boy (who was always sickly). Before I was born, a Roman commander promised that they would not burn down my family’s farm if they gave a monthly tax of food produced on the farm and their fifth child as a slave the age of 10. I never knew this until the Roman soldiers came to take me away. My parents feared that I would try to escape and their property would be burnt down. So they never told me, but they had me do hard farm work that built up my strength for when I was taken away. I was taken forcefully, because I tried to put up a fight, but then I was knocked unconscious.
Once we got to Rome, I was used as a slave by the commander for about 3 years. Then, being pretty much obsessed with gladiator games, he decided to make his own gladiator school and become a lanista (the person in charge of the gladiator school). I got to be the first gladiator there. Lucky me. Within a few weeks, we had more gladiators come. Some were bought from other schools, some were volunteers, and some were criminals or P.O.W.s (like me). The doctores (trainers) decided which kind of gladiator we were going to be. I was chosen to be a Secutor (chaser), while others were chosen to be Thraex (Thracian), Retiarius (net-man), Equites (horseman), Murmillo (fishman), Bestiarius (beast-fighter). I’ve been training for about a year so far, and I’ve learned two things: one, the lanista  we have is cruel, and two, training is very, very, tough.
We train all day, and since I’m still a newbie gladiator, I haven’t had any breaks to tell you about this before. My first gladiator fight is coming soon, so come and watch me in the games!


  1. Oh famous Quintus, how much I've heard about you being talked about upon the streets where men whisper to men about how they watched you fight in the arena. You, and your fellow gladiatores, are quite popular in Rome, and I'm sure the men of Gaul are proud of you too! Now, may I ask you for a friend request?

  2. Friend Request: I accept your friend request. I've heard of you before... you are well-known to some of my gladiator friends. You are the one who always loves to write, are you not?
    I hope you come and watch my gladator fights!

  3. Friend Request: As a man of strength, fighting for my life everyday in battle I respect you, yet I look up to you. You didn't seem to have a choice in becoming a slave, and it makes me pity you. Plus, people gather around to watch a battle that could end in your death. You make my job of rowing from day to day seem easy. From a slave to a slave will you be my friend?

  4. Friend Request: I accept your friend request. We have suffered through similar things, I know that. I am glad that you have heard of me and I am honored to call you not my friend, but slave-brother. May the gods watch over you in battle.

  5. Friend Request: The only thing we have in common is that both of us are slaves. To tell the truth I feel bad for you because every day you are fighting for your life. I am a house slave and have an easy life. I would like to learn more about your life.

    No Author.Roman Slaves.History Learning Site,,May/18/2011

  6. Friend Request: I accept your friend request. I am glad to know that there are other slaves out there who care.

  7. I would love to be your friend because we share the same views on slavery since I am a slave.

  8. I can't accept your friend request unless you give a citation =( sorry

  9. What a fantastic story you have, Quintus! I admire the gladiators very much, which is often a suprise for many people, because I am a priestess! I wish you good luck in the future, and I will try to get to one of your games someday!

    Unknown. Vestal Virgins. Roman Colosseum,, 14 May 2011

  10. Thank you very much =)
    Perhaps someday when I am a free man I will come and visit you along with my other friends.

  11. My citation is srry I cantgetall of it at this moment because I am having difuculties with my computer. And I am deeplysorry for the way you became I save. Leas born into slavery when iwas left on the side of the rode to I can't understand how u must feel to be torn away from your family. I will do my best to be as understanding as possible.

  12. I have read all of your post and I have found you had a very tuff life. I wish you all the best and I amtruely sorry for you. I wish we could be free but as you saw on the forum pretty much everyone is aginst us.

  13. Thank you, I am very glad that we could be friends =) =)
