Day in the Life

This is the ordinary day in the life for most gladiators:

I wake up early in the morning and dress in my tunic. We have a mess hall for all the gladiators in the barracks, and we go there to eat our breakfast. After breakfast, we put on our armor and go out to train. Of course, when we're training, we don't actually use real weapons, but we use wooden replicas that are twice as heavy as the real ones. Apparently, it would be "too dangerous" to have real weapons, but I don't see why. After all, our barracks is a miles away from Rome and we do have guards. Anyways, we train all day until lunchtime. Then we have a break to eat lunch and hang out. And then we go back to training until dinner, then eat, have a break, then go to sleep. That is the schedule for virtually every day in the gladiator barracks. We don't always fight in games, you know. Actually, we generally fight only 5 times per year, and I've done 3 this year. Of course, with the permission of the lanista (the person in charge of the gladiator barracks), if you are a fully trained gladiator (like me), you may go out into the city. During these outings, we are allowed to visit our wives or children that are within the city if we have any (or, if you are a woman gladiator, aka Amazones, then you would be visiting your husband).  Also, during any of our breaks and after dinner, we get a hot/cold/warm bath and a massage if we want it. Our meals are mostly high-protein or barley foods. We only are allowed to drink water.