Annotated Bibliography

Connolly, Peter. The Ancient City: Life in Classical Athens and Rome. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. 4 May 2011.
Description: This secondary source tells about many aspects of the Roman city.

Hussein, Angela Murock. “The Helmet Tells All.” Rome’s Gladiators,, 3 May 2011.
Description: This secondary source describes the different types of gladiators and how to tell them apart from each other.

Jacobelli, Luciana. Gladiators at Pompeii. Los Angeles: Getty Publications, 2003. 8 May 2011 pp. 39.
Description: This secondary source describes gladiators in detail and contains information gained from Pompeii about gladiators, including graffiti by gladiators themselves.

Kegel, Susan. “Learning How to Die.” Rome’s Gladiators,, 3 May 2011
Description: This secondary source explains a gladiator’s life and their training.

Kuhl, Jackson. “A Gladiator’s Graveyard.”  Rome’s Gladiators,, 2 May 2011.
Description: This secondary source tells what scientists have discovered about gladiators’ diets (etc.) through their bones found in a graveyard in Turkey.

McManus, Barbara F. "Chariot Racing." The Circus: Roman Chariot Racing,, 14 May 2011.
Description: This secondary source tells about chariot races, the factions of chariots, and who watches them.

(multiple Roman authors). “Spectacles of Blood: Roman Gladiators and Christian Martyrs.” Roman Civilization,, 17 May 2011.
Description: This primary source shows many quotes from multiple authors about gladiators such as Seneca, Cicero, Tacitus, Juvenal, Plutarch, and more.

No Author. “Julius Caesar.” Wikipeida,, 6 May 2011.
Description: This secondary source tells about the life of Julius Caesar (including the conquer of Gaul)

No Author.“Julius Caesar.” Ancient Rome,, 6 May 2011.
Description: This secondary source describes Julius Caesar’s life and conquests.

No Author. “The Gladiator.” Classics Technology Center,, 2 May 2011.
Description: This secondary source describes the difference between real gladiators and the “Gladiator” movie.

No Author. “The Gladiator.” Roman Civilization,, 7 May 2011.
Description: This secondary source explains what we know about gladiators and gladiator games in Ancient Rome.

Stilo, Aelius. “The Roman Gladiator.” Encyclopedia Romana,, 5 May 2011.
Description: This secondary source explains what gladiator games were like and the different kinds of gladiatorial games there were.