Post #4

Salve, all! After all of my long posts this is going to be a short one here:

After that battle I had the other day, I got a day off to rest. During that time I went to see my new doctor friend, Andronicus Fructosis, and asked him how to heal a broken bone, because I think I might've broken my left wrist (from holding the shield when the trident hit). After I got that fixed up, I headed out to the forum for a while and joined in some arguments. I wish people would realize just how hard it is to be a slave; even though as a gladiator you get three square meals a day, a bath every day, and the best medical care, it doesn't really make much of a difference. There's always the threat of death hanging over you. But I will still make the best of it. Anyways, I actually had a fairly nice day that day.
Now that it's a few months later, I'm scheduled for another gladiator fight. My wrist is fully healed. I've heard rumors that I'm fighting a rookie who is quickly becoming a rising star, but I'm not too worried. I invite you to come watch my fight!


  1. I'm still on the road to recovery with my leg, but Adronicus is amazing! Plus, he may be the only doctor in Rome that cares for a slave.It's very rare that you get a doctor like him!

    No Author."Roman Civilization"abacus, , May 18 2011.
