Post #7

Salve all. This is my (coincidentally) lucky number seven post. Despite everything that has happened to me, I cannot and will not give up yet.
I still have hope.

After the... incident... happened, my life went on almost as normal. I say almost because I was kept under careful watch (like I was still a new gladiator trainee) and the lanista hated me more than usual. Oh, and I think that they may have hired new guards, as I saw a few new faces. They also doubled the number of fights I was in for a year. But after that year was up and I remained depressed from my failure, they quit the extra guard around me. Although I think they kept the new guards, and I know that the lanista hasn't changed (he still hates me more every day -- unlike most lanistae, I think he started this gladiator school just because of the money and the fact that he loves to watch gladiator fights, for he certainly doesn't care for the gladiators).
And so that year was over -- with the doubled gladiator fights, I got double the glory. In this second year, we had a few new recruits. Only one became a Secutor like me, but a few became Bestiarii or Retiarii or others. The new Secutor looked remarkably similar to me myself and was very strong for his size (he was shorter than me and I am not a tall person). He handled his weapons given to him with ease. In training it was obvious that he was a natural sword-fighter. Since this guy volunteered to be a gladiator, the guards didn't bother to guard him as much as the other new gladiator "recruits". Soon he was able to catch me alone to talk to me. Not wanting to be rude and just call him "newbie" or "new gladiator" or "trainee", I asked him what his name was. As a guard began to approach, he said "Septimus Aquilus" and winked at me.
This new trainee gladiator was my younger brother.
Whenever we had the chance during our breaks, we got together to talk. My brother told me what was going on at home. Apparently it was going good there, and the farm was prospering despite their taxes. Since Septimus remembered me being taken away when he was a young child, he had made up his mind that he would come to save me eventually. I in turn told him what had happened to me. As we talked, my confidence kept growing. Soon I let my remaining Thracian friend join in (I forgot to mention that his name is Draconus). And this time we plotted carefully, slowly, and precisely. It has been two years now since my last attempt. I have learned.
Quintus Aquilus the Secutor gladiator is going to escape.
Draconus the Thracian gladiator is going to escape.
Septimus Aquilus is going to escape.
And this time, we will NOT fail. Perhaps we will be outcasts. Perhaps our lives will not be as good off medically. But we will be free.

Post #6

So, what happened?

We all woke up early in the morning, our kitchen knives hidden beneath our tunics. The Equites gladiator never showed up, and if we didn't leave soon then our plan might fail. So we broke out without him. Strangely, there were many guards surrounding the carriage (later I would wish I paid more attention to what that meant). With a bit of a scuffle plus an alarm that was sounded, we were off. Our pre-determined rendezvous point was outside the Circus Maximus, as there were almost always crowds there and we could get lost in them easily in case we were trailed. Strangely enough, there was no one following us even though the alarm had sounded. That gave me a bad feeling.
Once we arrived at Rome, we split up and went to the Circus from different directions. But the vigilantes (police) were waiting for us. Before we knew it, we were surrounded and captured. I guess the tatoos that were put onto our hands and cheek to signal we were a gladiator were more conspicuous than I thought earlier. We were taken back to the barracks, but we still put up a fight. Three of my Thracian friends were killed, as were the Bestiarius and the Retiarii. All of the Secutores but me and a Thracian  were also injured badly.
Later I learned that the Equites who decided not to join us turned out to be a traitor to our plot. Apparently he loved money more than his fellow gladiators. He was a freeman who volunteered to become a gladiator, so he probably did so for the fame and money.
We have severe punishments. My Secutores friends are all too injured to fight more, so they will be sent into the arena as damnati ad mortem along with the injured Thracian (so they will be condemned to death in the arena, probably to be torn apart by beasts -- I'm just glad that most Romans have the decency not to watch). The rest of us surviving (just the remaining Thracian and I) are condemned to fight in the arena for the rest of our lives.

Post #5

Salve. I am unhappy and upset right now, to say the least. Why? A combination of my lanista and the slave-talk in the forums.

Alright. I am pretty sure I've told you this enough times, but my lanista is a jerk. Don't tell him I said that. He punishes us for the littlest things, and never listens to what we have to say. After all, he is our master. We're people too, though he never ever treats us like we are.
I have decided to follow the noble Spartacus' example. I have gathered a group of gladiator friends with me. Five Thracians, a Bestiarius, three fellow Secutores, a pair of Retiarii, and an Equites. We are planning on breaking out at dawn, and taking my lanista's carriage to the city. Fellow escapees? Check. Escape plan? Check. Kitchen knives? Check.
I'm ready to do this. Wish me luck.

Post #4

Salve, all! After all of my long posts this is going to be a short one here:

After that battle I had the other day, I got a day off to rest. During that time I went to see my new doctor friend, Andronicus Fructosis, and asked him how to heal a broken bone, because I think I might've broken my left wrist (from holding the shield when the trident hit). After I got that fixed up, I headed out to the forum for a while and joined in some arguments. I wish people would realize just how hard it is to be a slave; even though as a gladiator you get three square meals a day, a bath every day, and the best medical care, it doesn't really make much of a difference. There's always the threat of death hanging over you. But I will still make the best of it. Anyways, I actually had a fairly nice day that day.
Now that it's a few months later, I'm scheduled for another gladiator fight. My wrist is fully healed. I've heard rumors that I'm fighting a rookie who is quickly becoming a rising star, but I'm not too worried. I invite you to come watch my fight!

Post #3

Salve, again. As you can see, I survived my gladiator fight.
Let me tell you what happened:

Well, I'm writing this, so you've probably already guessed I'm still alive. I guess I'm not too surprised when I think about it. After all, I'm not that new to gladiator fights. The best part is that now I  have more glory and am more well-known than ever before. I got prize money as well. Anyways, since I'm guessing many of you didn't have the chance to see my gladiator fight, I will tell you what happened.

My opponent, Publius, and I entered the arena at the same time. Immediately we heard the sound of the crowd, either yelling for one of us, or just talking amongst themselves. We were led in with a parade, like any other gladiator fight, and our parade went around the arena until we reached the Emperor's seat. There we raised our weapons in a salute to Augustus Caesar and said, "Caesar, morituri te salutamus!" Then, the game "referree" sounded the trumpet and the game began.
Being a Secutor gladiator, I have an army-standard gladius and rectangular shield, plus a heavy helmet which restricts my vision more than necessary. My opponent, being a Retiarius, had a trident and net, plus a dagger at his belt and a military-style helmet. As my gladiator type implies, I chased after him immediately. I heard people in the crowd laugh as if they anticipated that move and they knew he would kill me next. Before I got to him, he threw his net around my legs and tripped me up. Apparently the crowd was right about that... as the trident was coming toward my bare chest, I lifted my shield up and caught the trident in it. That guy really can thrust a trident, because that thing went at least 6 inches through my shield. I unwrapped my legs of the net and jumped up, then chucked my now useless shield and trident combo away from both of us. Didn't want him getting that trident. But he still had his dagger, and he drew that now. Again I charged at him, but this time he ran away. As he was trying to get past me (I bet he wanted that trident back) I threw his net at him. Apparently he didn't know how bad of an aim I was, since he stopped to dodge it. So I put myself between him and the trident again, and attacked. He wasn't too bad at swordplay, but soon I had disarmed him. Weaponless, he now stood there, looking a bit confused. I kicked him down, and held my sword to his neck.
Now I could really hear the crowd's shouts. Most of the people put their hand in a thumbs-up sign and pressed their thumb to their chest. While doing so they yelled, "Habet, hoc habet!" and "Iugula!". They wanted me to kill him. Their favorite hero had fallen, he had been defeated, and now his punishment was to die for it.
I looked over at Augustus, and he signalled for me to kill Publius the Retiarius gladiator. I regret having to kill him, for he was an honorable, worthy, and courageous gladiator.

That was my gladiator fight today. While this took a bit longer than many gladiator fights it was still similar in many aspects to an ordinary fight.

Post #2

Salve, amici. The year is now 27 BC, and Augustus Caesar is now in power.
I had an interesting day today. Very interesting.

Well, for the experienced gladiators like me, the choice is either see if we can go out in the city... or we can train (which, if you're experienced like me, you generally have enough training to take a break for a day—the newbies, not so much… if they want to survive). Sometimes our lanista will not let us out, as he is a cruel man (he used to be a soldier in the Roman army, as I believe I've said before). However, today he did. So I got a bit of my money from winning games, and I headed out to explore the city. Now, some of my Thraex gladiator friends are fairly well-known and can always find some fans to hang out with, and they went to do that, but I found that a waste of time so I went off on my own. I went to the Circus (hey, a gladiator needs some entertainment of his own, too!) and cheered for the Albati, the white team. I left, and after I looked around to buy an elusive cleaning kit for my sword (which I still haven't found one yet that was good quality, unfortunately... someone know of any weapon cleaning kits that are a good value?), I decided to head back to the barracks. Of course, it's just my luck that a robbery happened at the shop I had just left. There's a lot of details, but the shortened version is that they blamed me for it all. I'm in HUGE trouble with the lanista now, but I am his best gladiator so I know he won't do anything to permanently damage me. Well, he won't do it himself, at least. He doesn't want to hurt his profits, you know.

Update: I just found out what my punishment is. There is a gladiator fight staged for tomorrow at 3:00 PM. One of the gladiators fighting in it is one of the best gladiators that has fought in the arena for a long time. He's won all of his fights (plus has gotten extra awards) and trains every moment of his life. He is a Retiarius, but apparently he is allowed more armor than most as he fights better with it (that's bad for his opponents). He has THE best lanista (head of the barracks) and doctores (trainers) that I've heard of, too. He has killed every other gladiator he has fought, even though sometimes he was told not to by the game referee. He does it anyways, which is not a very good thing for his lanista, but the crowds love it; even though his lanista has to pay for most of the deaths of the other gladiators to their lanistae, Romans come from all around to watch him fight so it brings in good profits for him. You've probably heard of this guy. His name is Publius, I believe. I may be good, but I might not be this good. So you may think, why is my lanista doing this? Probably because he's going to get a profit either way. Either I will win and he is going to get more money from my fame, or I will lose and he will get paid for me dying. Most likely the latter. I did say he was cruel, didn't I? How fun for me, eh? Wish me luck… and come watch the fight!

Post #1

Salve, amici. The year is 33 BC, and I’m going to tell you what happened to me to become a gladiator.

I was born in 47 BC, so my country, Gaul, had been conquered by Rome by the time I was born. My parents had four children before me, three girls and one boy (who was always sickly). Before I was born, a Roman commander promised that they would not burn down my family’s farm if they gave a monthly tax of food produced on the farm and their fifth child as a slave the age of 10. I never knew this until the Roman soldiers came to take me away. My parents feared that I would try to escape and their property would be burnt down. So they never told me, but they had me do hard farm work that built up my strength for when I was taken away. I was taken forcefully, because I tried to put up a fight, but then I was knocked unconscious.
Once we got to Rome, I was used as a slave by the commander for about 3 years. Then, being pretty much obsessed with gladiator games, he decided to make his own gladiator school and become a lanista (the person in charge of the gladiator school). I got to be the first gladiator there. Lucky me. Within a few weeks, we had more gladiators come. Some were bought from other schools, some were volunteers, and some were criminals or P.O.W.s (like me). The doctores (trainers) decided which kind of gladiator we were going to be. I was chosen to be a Secutor (chaser), while others were chosen to be Thraex (Thracian), Retiarius (net-man), Equites (horseman), Murmillo (fishman), Bestiarius (beast-fighter). I’ve been training for about a year so far, and I’ve learned two things: one, the lanista  we have is cruel, and two, training is very, very, tough.
We train all day, and since I’m still a newbie gladiator, I haven’t had any breaks to tell you about this before. My first gladiator fight is coming soon, so come and watch me in the games!